Interview with Sophia Bockisch: WTR Network

Last updated:
May 21, 2021
Commercial Real Estate


Tenant CS
Tenant CS

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Gender equality in the workplace is important, not only because it is ‘right and fair’ but because of the positive impact it can have on the country and economy.

Sophia Bockisch, Senior Consultant at Tenant CS and Women In Tenant Representation Network Committee Member, talks to us about tenant representation, why she joined the network and provides some tips for women starting out in the industry.

Before we talk about the network, tell us a little bit about tenant representation. What is it?

Tenant representatives (also known as tenant reps or tenant advisors) help commercial tenants/companies with their real estate requirements. From lease exits and negotiations to relocations, we assist every step of the way.

Our role is to level the playing field. Traditionally, landlords have agents to represent them. So, we kind of act like an agent for tenants; we work on their behalf to negotiate the best commercial terms. We also provide market intel, strategic advice and manage some client's real estate portfolios across the country.

women in tenant representation networking event

Why did you decide to get into the field of tenant advisory?

Purely by chance. I stumbled across it and found the different approach interesting. And I really enjoy working with clients, understanding their needs and helping them achieve great results.

What is the Women In Tenant Representation Network (WTR)?

The Women in Tenant Representation Network (or WTR for short) is an initiative with a concerted focus on empowering women in the field of tenant representation.

In general, the Real Estate industry is a very male-dominated field, and Tenant Rep even more so. So, the network was founded to increase awareness and inclusion within the sector, providing women with a platform for personal and professional development. It also aims to raise awareness of Tenant Representation as a whole and encourage those, particularly women, who are thinking about choosing it as a career path.

We organise monthly business events to bring like-minded people together. Our main goal is to connect people in and out of tenant representation and to increase gender equality within our industry.

What made you join WTR and become a committee member?

I really liked the idea behind it and wanted to help raise the network's profile to ensure its future growth.

When I joined the network, there weren't many women in my own company. And there are some challenges that we females are confronted with that our male colleagues cannot relate to. So, it was great to connect with other women in the industry for added support.

I've forged some great relationships and, as a committee member, I'm now involved in planning events and bringing women together.

It's been great to see how many women from different companies have shown continued interest in networking activities. This wouldn’t happen naturally as we are all competitors. And, unlike agents, tend not to work together on deals.

women in tenant representation networking event

What are your top five tips for women starting out in your industry?

  1. Choose your workplace wisely. Make sure you have a great team and leaders behind you that want you to succeed
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help
  3. Build a great network of people around you, both in and out of the industry
  4. Stand your ground and don't be intimidated to share your ideas and drive outcomes
  5. Have fun and stay motivated

Feel free to visit and follow our LinkedIn page to find out more about the WTR Network. We would love to welcome you to our growing community!

women in tenant representation networking event

About Tenant CS

Tenant CS is an Asia-Pacific-based, conflict-free tenant representation services company, independent of third parties such as landlords and real estate agents. Get in touch today to see how we can help you with your real estate requirements.

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